Ploughing a New Path: Saudi Arabia’s Transition to Greener Future By Zekeri Laruba Idakwo

Saudi Minister of Hajj and Umrah, Tawfiq Al-Rabiah
Ploughing a New Path: Saudi Arabia’s Transition to Greener Future By Zekeri Laruba Idakwo

Niyi Osundare’s evocative poem, “Ours to plough not to plunder,” serves as a stark reminder of our responsibility to tend to the earth with care. The Nigerian poet’s intention is clear: to warn us against the dangers of exploiting the earth’s resources without regard for the consequences.

Saudi Arabia has not only taken this message to heart, but equally recognied the urgent need to shift its approach to esa consumption, and environmental stewardship.

Through its groundbreaking green energy initiatives, the Kingdom is not only reducing its carbon footprints but also pioneering a new model for sustainable development.

As I delve into the once Known desert kingdom’s transformative journey, we see Osundare’s vision taking root, a testament to the power of poetry to inspire positive change.

“As Saudi Arabia recognises its obligations towards global sustainability goals, it is committed to creating a sustainable energy future that fosters continued economic growth while protecting the environment” (Saudi Arabia’s 2021 Handbook). This commitment is embedded in the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, its programmes and initiatives.

In line with Vision 2030, Saudi Arabia has renewed its focus on climate action both domestically and internationally. The Kingdom has championed the development of a circular carbon economy to promote growth and reduce emissions.

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Through its G20 Presidency, Saudi Arabia has won the endorsement of world leaders for this concept. As stated in the Kingdom’s handbook, “Saudi Arabia is committed to reducing land degradation and enhancing conservation of terrestrial habitats.”

Closer to home, Saudi Arabia is also charting a path towards a greener tomorrow. The Saudi Green and Middle East Green Initiatives aim to combat climate change, reduce land and coral reef degradation, and protect wildlife.

In-house journal reports revealed that, “Saudi Arabia has achieved an annual reduction of 28 million tones of domestic carbon dioxide emissions. This was achieved both through a decline in fossil fuel use and the expansion of renewable and clean technologies.”

Similarly, Saudi Arabia’s Green Initiative aims to achieve the following targets:

– 50% of the nation’s energy mix to come from renewable sources by 2030

– Reduce carbon emissions by 4% of global contributions

– Plant 10 billion trees across the Kingdom

– Designate 30% of Saudi Arabia’s land as protected areas

– Achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2060

– Invest $187 billion in the first package to develop a Green Economy

The Kingdom is also stepping up to preserve its diverse landscape for future generations. According to the Kingdom’s handbook, “75 locations are expected to receive protected Area Status, spanning 600,000 km2 of the kingdom.”

Last Line

Saudi Arabia’s shift towards green energy is a beacon of hope for a sustainable future. Through its commitment to reducing carbon emissions, promoting renewable energy, and protecting the environment, the Kingdom is paving the way for a greener tomorrow.

As Osundare’s poem reminds us, it is our responsibility to tend to the earth with care, and Saudi Arabia is answering that call.

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