Laughter at Dawn follows Abigail (Abby) Thornton, a young woman with intellectual disabilities facing an undiagnosed psychiatric condition. The plot highlights the injustices Abby faces while also showcasing the compassionate support from a few caregivers.
San Diego, CA – WEBWIRE – Monday, November 11, 2024
“Capps-Layne writes highly readable prose that vividly communicates character, with the villainous Belle constantly breathing out smoke: “Belle sucked on her Merit, then blew a perfect smoke ring at Frank. Kirkus Reviews
Laughter at Dawn by Jo Ellen Capps-Layne tells the story of Abigail (Abby) Thornton, a young woman with intellectual disabilities who suffers from an undiagnosed psychiatric condition. Abby has lived in several foster placements, where she experienced abuse, before finally moving to Greenway Developmental Center. At Greenway, she struggles with hallucinations that lead her to harm herself and others. The Centers Director, Belle Farthing, spends every waking hour trying to distance herself from Abby. Abbys turbulent journey escalates through a series of crises, including fire, murder, and strangulation.
As a court case unfolds, Abbys psychologist, Sally McGraw, becomes her advocate and defender. Together with social worker Christine Connelly, they help Abby pursue legal action against the State of Virginia for failing to provide her with the necessary care and placement.
The plot highlights the injustices Abby faces, the political maneuvering of the staff, and the staffs sexual indiscretions while also showcasing the compassionate support from the few caregivers who genuinely care about her well-being.
In a book review by Kirkus Reviews, Jo Ellens Laughter at Dawn was lauded for its compelling prose and characterization. The review states: Capps-Layne writes highly readable prose that vividly communicates character, with the villainous Belle constantly breathing out smoke: Belle sucked on her Merit, then blew a perfect smoke ring at Frank.
Laughter at Dawn is an exciting read. The book draws on Jo Ellen Capps-Laynes 37 years of experience as a social worker in mental health. She has also incorporated her knowledge of mental illness as a central theme in many of her other works.
Laughter at Dawn will delight those who love thrilling books with an exciting psychological plot. Interested readers may grab a copy of Jo Ellen Capps-Laynes book on ReadersMagnet Bookstore, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble. Learn more about the author by visiting her website:
Laughter at Dawn
Author: Jo Ellen Capps-Layne
Genre: General Fiction
Publisher: ReadersMagnet Bookstore
Published date: August 7, 2024
Jo Ellen Capps Layne was born in Lynchburg, VA, and graduated from the College of William and Mary in Virginia. She has two adult children and one granddaughter. She continues to reside in Lynchburg, VA, with her husband. Jo Ellen is the author of the novel Laughter at Dawn, a short story, Seasons, and the article American Family. She based this novel on her thirty-seven years of experience in the mental health field as a social worker, and she has drawn on her knowledge of psychological disorders as a basis for her creative works. Her short story, Seasons, about a long-distance relationship, is placed in an international literary competition in 1988. She also published American Family in Womans World, which is about her experience putting her mother in a nursing home.
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