JOSHUA LISEC: The American migrant crisis

Enterprise chases green as the spirit of the people bleeds red.

Inspired by “The American Crisis” By Thomas Paine, Published December 23rd, 1776.

These are the times and seasons of change. The autumn of our empire will, in this crisis, lead us into desolation of winter; but we that cherish the harvest of liberty and protect its fruits and yields shall preserve this country until thaw.

Invasion, like the frost, is not easily defended against, and yet the only way to spring, is to endure the ice. What we took for granted, we have let be seized from us, and either fed to another, or left to shrivel, rot, and freeze on vine and branch and bush and in field. What was ours is no longer, and we were given no choice nor voice in the matter.

It is sovereignty, only, over the fertile fields and valleys of a civilization that ensures its safety and satiety. Providence knows, in the names of mercy, of compassion, and of trade, that we have been forced to offer up our nourishing bounty present and future to total and complete strangers. Our federal government together with their collaborators in private enterprise have placed the wellbeing of others over that of our own. Our merchants, once necessary to the growth of our nation and the prosperity of its people, have allowed their rapacity to render them indifferent to our nation and contemptuous of her people. And so they prize the urges of migrants over and against the needs of our own kin. The unwelcomed guest has been made house master by unaccountable immigration overlords, public and private alike.

All that we have may become another’s to use and abuse at will and at whim by a government not of the people, not by the people, nor for the people. And not only our own properties and opportunities, but our children’s and our children’s children’s as well. So we the people are left to hunger and shiver while citizens of other lands are welcomed in celebration, warmth, and privilege. Imagine their joy! It cost only the suffering of our countrymen.

It is fruitless to ask whether immigration reform ought to have been completed during the prior administration. We did not make proper use of the power we possessed until it was lost to those who would deplete our stores and consume our goods and services before harvest, in the name of charity. Much has been lost. We are ravaged in quiet conquest. Our young are taken by the reckless, their virtue stolen and, for some, also their lives. Those who have died should have lived; those who live in their stead, should live someplace else. The branches of liberty tree hang low and bare. Scavengers pick over her fallen carcassed fruit. Nightfall comes early.

My opinion has been, and still is, that the founders and the forefathers of this great country, in honest hindsight but also with pessimistic foresight, ought to have set an expiration for birthright citizenship. This policy has lost its use. The man may leave the old country, but if the old country does not leave the man, the new country ought have no place for him, lest he degrade the new to become like the old. And so paradise is no more. A garden without walls soon yields to the wilderness. A nation without standards is a nation no more. Neither Roman nor American empire is exception. I cannot see on what grounds we give meal and money and room and board to the unknown and outside, while we forsake and forget those whose labor gave us all of the former. It is written, “If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat.” And now it is said, “If anyone is not willing to assimilate, let him remigrate.” Such policy is sound. Remigration is safe and effective.

In the meantime, it is not surprising to see foreign peoples bring broken ways, loud prejudices, and strange cuisines into our country. All times and places subject to ethnic and religious diversities have suffered strife, save for America with her new story, her new values, and her new laws, where the order was to keep the order, or be ordered to leave. The Scotts and the Irish, the Germans and the Poles, Protestant and Catholic alike, having come in centuries prior, fought and bled over archaic feuds. But now the matters are settled. Let him not call himself “Scottish-American” but only “American.” Heritage and ancestry are twin sources of pride and strength, yes. This is correct. And yet we allow him to quarrel with his English neighbor over disputes back home, and worse, to organize township and state around it, at the peril of us all. And so we did not. For nigh two centuries, men became Americans; a new race was risen from the earth. He has hailed from many a land and people. Now this is land and this is his people. We are Americans.

As I was with the citizens of Springfield on September 19th, 2024, overhearing murmurs and complaint, I have become well-acquainted with the lot of the city. I, being born, raised, and residing in her neighbor, Dayton, know well the post-industrial fate of a region in intentional, accelerated decline. Importation of workforce (and, indeed, of those who are pervasively idle) will leave us with nothing; soon we will have less than that. Enterprise chases green as the spirit of the people bleeds red. That green is not of the infant leaves and sprouts of springtime. No, it is that sterile yet slimish gray green of the almighty dollar, in gross domestic product. In GDP we trust, say globalist businessmen whose profit from human labor trafficking feeds the bottom line even as it starves the common man. And so the man whose family needs more will be replaced by the man whose family demands less (from the employer, that is; the public treasury, previously withheld from suffering citizen, is drained for newcomer, with expedience and pleasure). A few dollars per hour is the price of local will and national sovereignty. We are a nation with bought and sold borders. Such is the situation in the sovereign states of Texas and California but also Ohio.

I shall not now attempt to give all the details as to the past causes or present state of immigration dysfunction and economic decline. Suffice it to say, the summer sun sets on all empires. Moonlit drifts of snow will cover all. The winds of coming winter, we feel them now. The late stage of decline and fall is upon us. But the diligent feel time and season, then plan, with a resolve to warm the soul beyond any chill. The diverse leave such planning to another; this is the plan to fail. A people of homogenous culture and singular value set, committed to mutual thriving of one another in the barren and bitter times, are separated and isolated and soon now outnumbered. The best-case scenario seems mere survival. Greatness again, some say. While we will settle for goodness on the part of those we call leaders, both elected and unelected, representative and bureaucrat.

I shall conclude this piece with remarks on the view of those who oppose us. I ask the following question: Why does the liberal prefer strangers to citizens? It is neither brave nor merciful to open the storehouse and leave unguarded the ripened fields and pregnant orchards. Who would give his best to a young male from another land, with whom he holds in common nothing but proximity and gender, and forsake duty to protect and provide for his women? His hormonal deficiency and testicular neglect are not irreversible; their consequences may just be.

But how does this affect us personally? So says the pragmatist who holds himself above the fray. I once felt anger against this unfatherly stance. Now I have pity. But that pity shall not prevent me from speaking my mind freely. Rather, I will speak the mind of President Donald J. Trump, whose words on the matter none can, with reason and conscience, contest:

“We want people to come into our country, but they must love our nation, and come in legally and through a system of merit. The world is laughing at us as fools, they are stealing our jobs and our wealth. We cannot let them laugh any longer. Make America great again!”

Yes, let us make America great again. But we cannot—unless we make our men good again. 

Let our men fear not the liberal scorn or scold. Let him say to those who would give his sons’ opportunities and his daughters’ safety away for a few dollars per hour that sweetest, bravest, most valorous of all the English words:


America did not want to become a nation of givers to a world of takers. To say this we say, “No.” We wanted only the best and brightest of like mind and soul, those who have held out hope for their own great American dream, and no other. For there is no one who detests the illegal alien more than the legal immigrant. Let us honor those who honor our laws. It is folly and shame to do otherwise. And yet we have.

By perseverance and fortitude, we will make America great and our fellow men good again. We will not allow our nostalgic footpaths or our markets and playgrounds, embedded with merry family memories and  sentimentality, to become no-go zones. We say, “No.” We will not allow a variety of evils to occur on our watch—a ravaged country, a depopulated city, habitations without safety, and alienation without hope. Again, “No.”

Look on that future, fellow man, and weep over it! And if there yet remains one useful idiot who believes the American migrant crisis to be nothing more than fake news, let him shut the hell up.

The autumn of empire has come and it will go. Now is the time and now is the season to wrest back control of our wintry fate. We can be warm. We can be safe. But we must plan. A great and good future is ours if we do.

We thank God that fate allows us one more chance to right the lefts and the wrongs. It is to man’s credit that the majority of his kind in this country, and by no small margin, understand his duty to protect and to provide. Only the complete and total end of illegal migration into our states, counties, towns, neighborhoods, and businesses great and small will satisfy. Only the enforcement of law can bring order, order that our spouses and children adore so they may live in peace and grow in joy. This is the duty of every man—to cast his vote for Donald J. Trump and by mail-in ballot prior to Election Day.

Because man does not wait until the last minute to do what is right.

Man does what is right, right now.

He votes early, so that he may win early.

Search “get mail in ballot” now.

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