The Green Party’s Director of Elections and Senator Pauline O’Reilly has said it is a “very difficult day” for the party today.
You can keep up to date with all the General Election results throughout the weekend through Newstalk’s live blog and video stream.
The Green Party is at a risk of having low numbers to no TDs elected in the 2024 General Election.
“Where we had thought that perhaps we were going to see the 4% play out as being concentrated in particular constituencies, it’s looking more likely that across the board there’ll be very few seats,” Senator O’Reilly said.
“We’re in play, I think probably in about three or four constituencies, but just in play.”
Senator O’Reilly said the party “take solace” that they have received votes “even in rural areas”.
“It’s not the Greens day today,” she said.
Senator O’Reilly said the “feeling on the ground” was “very positive” towards the party.
“I think we were squeezed out more than anything else, by a lot of choice, whether that’s within Government, and then within the centre left, there was a lot of choice there,” she said.
“We tried to encourage people to vote number one Green, that was what we needed this time and we were quite clear about that.
“I think what you’ll find is that we’re there on most people’s ballots but it’s not enough in most constituencies [to get us] over the line.”
The Green Party is still holding out hope in Dublin West, Dublin Rathdown and Dún Laoghaire, as well as a few constituencies outside of Dublin.
“It’s very early days for some of those outside the Dublin areas, but I think that, you know, there’s several where there just isn’t a path now, at the moment,” Senator O’Reilly said.
Newstalk reporters will be at count centres around Ireland bringing you all the results as they come in.
We will also be running election specials throughout today and tomorrow, and you can follow all the action on our live blog and on our social channels.
Main Image: Senator Pauline O’Reilly. Image: Newstalk