Spotting these 4 yellow flags while dating may spell bad news

Life is not black and white and while dating it’s not always possible to ‘red flag’ or ‘green flag’ a behaviour.

Some things may come under the purview of ‘yellow flag’, a zone where you need to carefully analyse if things can work out with this person or not.

Unlike the clear cut ‘yes, this person works for me’ or ‘no, they are not for me’ in case of green and red flags respectively, yellow flags can be trickier to find.They are indicative of certain potential issues in a relationship that may crop up in future.

If you want to have a pleasant dating experience, here are yellow flags while dating you shouldn’t ignore:

1. Your date has a history of failed relationships

You may sympathise with a person who has a string of unsuccessful relationships as they are usually seen as unlucky in love. But could there be a hidden reason behind so many failures in love life? What is that hidden personality trait that may possibly cause trouble in your love life later on. One should pay attention to any such yellow flags and make a mindful decision about their future relationship.

2. They talk non-stop

While this may seem like a ‘green flag’ to some as it shows a person is transparent and ‘interested’ in you. But if it’s turning into a monologue, and there are little or no mentions of you in their ‘long speeches’, it’s quite possible that they have a narcissistic personality, as such people tend to dominate conversations and are obsessed about themselves. Take a pause and reconsider having relationship with such a person.

3. They remind you of your ex

It’s natural to be drawn to what feels familiar, which can lead us to fall for people who resemble our past partners. This pattern often stems from seeking comfort in the known, even if it didn’t work out before. If your new date shares traits or behaviors similar to those of an ex, it might indicate that you’re repeating old patterns.

4. They seem detached

If your date appears emotionally detached, it could be a yellow flag as it might be a sign of deeper issues like a fear of intimacy, unresolved past traumas, or societal influences shaping their behavior. While you might find this detachment attractive at times, it’s essential to consider whether such a person would open up to you in future or not. It’s important for partners to connect emotionally for a meaningful relationship.

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