Is this what ‘Dialing It Back’ Looks Like? Green Day Front Man Holds Up Trump Head at DC Concert

Sometimes, it is difficult to believe that less than three weeks ago, someone tried to take Donald Trump’s head off at a rally in Pennsylvania. 

Maybe part of the reason it is hard to believe is that the media is doing their level best to memory hole the entire incident. They rarely talk about it anymore unless forced to. They won’t cover the Senate hearings today where Republican lawmakers laid waste to the Secret Service and Acting Director Ronald Rowe. They embrace lunatic theories that Trump may not even have been shot at all. And they devote all of their coverage to fawning attempts to pretend that Kamala Harris is not the person she is. 

When they do talk about the assassination attempt, it is only to scold Republicans — not themselves — about ‘lowering the temperature,’ despite that Democrats continue to refer to Trump as Hitler and a threat to democracy who would be a ‘dictator.’

It’s all pretty nauseating. 

Meanwhile, the brain-dead celebrities take to their stages with continued violent rhetoric. Just one DAY after the assassination attempt, Tenacious D’s Jack Black and Kyle Gass were caught wishing that the shooter had not missed. 

Fast forward to Monday night in Washington, DC — yes, Washington, DC — where fake punk poseurs Green Day were performing a concert at the Washington Nationals baseball stadium. Right in the middle of the show, the band’s lead singer, Billie Joe Armstrong, decided it would be a great time to go full Kathy Griffin on Trump.

Billie Joe Armstrong holds up a Donald Trump head at a Green Day concert in DC just 2 weeks after Donald Trump was shot in the head at a rally

— Jack Poso 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) July 30, 2024We want to be fair here (because we are not leftists). What Armstrong was holding was a rubber mask, not a simulated severed head. Moreover, it appears he did not bring the mask to the show, one of the fans did and he borrowed it from that fan. 

But let’s be real here. Look at the way he is holding the mask by the scalp. There is no question that he was trying to re-create Griffin’s Trump head moment. 


This is disgusting. He knows exactly what he’s doing.

— Libs of TikTok (@libsoftiktok) July 30, 2024There is no question about it. 

Green Day and Kathy Griffin holding up severed Trump heads. This is directly calling for violence.

— Klean (@Klean861945) July 30, 2024You stay classy, Green Day. 

Is Billie Joe related to Kathy Griffin?
Sure seems like a copy cat publicly stunt.
The backlash Griffin received should be the same for Green Day.

— Penny Lane (@Penny_FL13) July 30, 2024While holding the head, Armstrong even changed the lyrics to the band’s hit song ‘American Idiot’ to say, ‘Don’t want to be part of a MAGA agenda.’

I’m not a part of the maga agenda #greenday

— Green Day Inc. (@GreenDayInc) July 30, 2024So very cringe. Just call Green Day the Anti-American Idiots. 

Green Day had a concert here in DC last night.

They decided it’d be a good idea to hold up a severed Trump head.

Just TWO WEEKS after he was sh*t in the head.

These people are SICK.

— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) July 30, 2024Funny, we haven’t heard George Stephanopoulos or Joe Scarborough calling for Green Day to ‘dial it back.’ 

If it weren’t for double standards, the left would have none at all. 

Green Day used to be anti-establishment now they are the establishment.

— Tim Burchett (@timburchett) July 30, 2024

Rep. Burchett is half right here. Green Day is the establishment now, but they were never ‘anti-establishment.’ They have always been a manufactured corporatized, sanitized version of punk rock (just ask any real punk band). 

They have much more in common with Britney Spears or Avril Lavigne than they do with The Misfits or The Vandals.

— (@whatimemetosay) July 30, 2024This is who the left is. Don’t let them weasel out of it. Make them own horrible displays like this one. 

If you don’t want to be an American Idiot, one nation controlled by the media, you are doing a terrible job.

— Skeletor 🧼🧽🫧 (@TheMuppetPastor) July 30, 2024Green Day is one step short of being sponsored by Pfizer. (That will probably happen on their next tour.)

Violence is the only language leftists in the Democrat Party can speak.

— Michael Quinn Sullivan 🇺🇸 (@MQSullivan) July 30, 2024They don’t even try to hide it anymore. 

Believe them when they tell you who they are.

— Grateful Mom (@GratefulMoMBack) July 30, 2024Oh, we believe them alright. It wasn’t that long ago that Madonna was dreaming of bombing the White House and Johnny Depp was longing for another actor to assassinate another president. 

Green Day is just a much less talented side of that same coin. 

“JD Vance is weird”

— Andrew 🇺🇲😎 (@jumpman_0206) July 30, 2024HA. Yes, keep throwing that right back in the left’s faces every time they do something creepy … which is only about every 10 seconds or so. 

So Green Day is just bunch of soy boy pansy’s these days. 😂

— NevadanforLife (@nevadanfor) July 30, 2024We’ll let you in on a little secret: they always were. 

Sings about hating fascists…. Unable to see his love for government…

— The Lord Be With You (@adklabrador) July 30, 2024They’re not really that intelligent either, not to mention mediocre musicians and songwriters. Green Day’s most insightful song is basically about masturbation. 

Stunning and brave.

— StoneFree2Rant is a Semi-fascist(Same on Gettr) (@StoneFree2Rant) July 30, 2024Aren’t they such rebels, though? [Insert rolling eyes emoji.]

He’s all talk and thinks he edgy. Remember when he started crying when Roe v Wade was overturned and said he will renounce his US citizenship? He didn’t do it, maybe it should be taken from him.

— 🇺🇸Sheri (@SheriCarter18) July 30, 2024If only the miserable left would keep their promises to leave America anytime conservatives do … well, anything, America might actually be able to make some progress back toward sanity. 

Sadly, they never do and they never will. They may be ignorant hypocrites, but even mental midgets like Green Day know that America is the only country that will let them pull their ghoulish stunts with impunity. 

As much as that can suck sometimes, we wouldn’t have America any other way. 

But that won’t stop us from mocking fake punk pop musicians like Green Day as the laughingstocks that they are. 

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