Industry Warns of Flaws in Nature Positive Reforms | Mirage News

The Chamber of Minerals and Energy WA holds grave concerns about reports Federal Labor is close to securing a deal with the Greens and crossbench Senators to legislate stage two Nature Positive reforms, headlined by the creation of a decision-making Federal Environment Protection Agency.

CME Chief Executive Officer Rebecca Tomkinson said the proposed legislation failed to deliver meaningful improvements to environmental protections and would add to the considerable regulatory barriers already facing new resources projects.

“Poorly designed environmental policy risks derailing Australia’s entire net zero energy transition,” Ms Tomkinson said.

“CME supports Nature Positive reforms that are better for the environment and better for business.

“This legislation does not reach that threshold. It is bad for WA, bad for industry and will further harm a resources sector that is already confronting rapidly rising costs and falling commodity prices.

“A fully autonomous Federal EPA duplicates the rigorous project assessment process already in place in WA and opens the door for decisions on nationally significant projects to be made independent of our elected officials.

“It will lead to delays and push up the cost of doing business in WA, posing a serious threat to efforts to attract investment in critical minerals and low-emission energy.”

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